Terms of Use

RideWERX has made all attempts reasonable to ensure that this site provides full online store functionality.

RideWERX has also made all reasonable effort to ensure that all pages on this site are served as secure 256 bit SSL encrypted pages to ensure the highest level of security. RideWERX is an Australia based site and the currency used is Australian Dollars (AUD).

Your card details are not stored by RideWERX and are passed for authorisation through a secure gateway (via eWay) to ANZ Bank for final processing.  Please also refer to eway and ANZ Bank's for their terms and conditions of your financial institution. RideWERX and parties associated with this site are not liable for any direct or indirect losses or costs.

You may receive email communication from RideWERX, either as a customer service follow up or informing you of product shipment.  For email communications of new products or offers.  These will include an opt out link to stop future such emails being sent.

All portions of this site including design, layout, logic, scripts, text, photography are protected by copyright and international treaties under Australian and international law and will be protected under strict accordance and abilities under such laws.

(c) 2006-2021 ZAMPH P/L and RideWERX - All Rights Reserved.

A license to use including license variations may be obtained from the developer via the contact webmaster link below. [Version in use - MSJJ v4.5.4 AU_eW (Commercial release).

Link to developer Contact Zamph